Drive consumer loan growth online and in office

For consumers, applying and getting approved for loans has long been considered tedious and outdated, especially given modern technological capabilities. To succeed in today’s digitally-forward consumer environment, you need the best technology to meet customers where they are and exceed their expectations.

Omnichannel for Consumer Banking

Experience convenience and innovation that gives your financial institution the ability to meet customers how they want to be met. Empower your customers to manage their finances effortlessly whether at home or on-the-go!

  • Ability to originate a variety of secured and unsecured loans and deposit products

  • Powerful consumer API suite for customers to connect to their tech stack

  • A true shopping cart experience, allowing the customer to add multiple products and complete the application process for all of them in one seamless experience

  • A streamlined application process with fewer screens and click

  • Integrated with strategic partners like Plaid, Magic-Wrighter, Alloy and Factual Data

Automated AI-driven Credit Decisioning

Run loan analyses using customer, business, and third-party data to instantly generate pre-qualified loan decisions for HELOC, auto, unsecured, and other term loans.

Dramatically decrease loan cycle times
90% increase

In productivity by eliminating manual document creation.

Transform Digitally

With solutions like Document Preparation & e-Signature and Identity Verification & Fraud Mitigation

A quick, frictionless, and personalized customer journey.
Reduce risk and regulatory exposure.

Leverage tools and integrations to fulfill regulatory compliance policies as well as global and local regulations including KYC, HMDA, and TRID.

Jonathan Krieps

With nCino, we are able to bring the idea of greater simplicity into the lending process. We're closing loans more quickly and efficiently than before and collaborating across our banking offices.

Jonathan N. Krieps

Chief Operations Officer, North State Bank

Ver una demostración

Vea nCino en acción y descubra cómo el lider en banca Cloud puede ayudarle a transformar su entidad financiera.

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