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Thought Leadership

5 Banking Predictions for 2025

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Thought Leadership

Credit Portfolio Management: 5 Ways Financial Institutions Are Achieving Tangible Results

In the rapidly evolving lending landscape, caused in part by the bank failures of 2023, credit portfolios are facing significant stress and heightened challenges, including rising default rates, fluctuating interest rates, and economic uncertainty. Coupled with strict regulatory demands for risk differentiation and portfolio diversification, these pressures are exposing the limitations of current credit portfolio monitoring processes, which are often static, reactive and subjective. The Australian CRE market has seen an 8.5% decline in capital growth with the office sector being a major contributor to this decline due to its cumulative loss of 22%­­. As a result, financial institution (FI) leaders are rethinking their credit portfolio management practices.

Couple Laptop Blue- Newsroom Stock Image
Thought Leadership

The Before and After of Commercial Account Opening with nCino

Opening a commercial bank account is a significant decision for any business. All businesses are unique entities with operational requirements, product needs, and shareholder arrangements, and the choice of a bank as a business partner is often a relationship-driven decision.

Man Beard Glasses Laptop Blue uses customer onboarding software- Newsroom Stock Image

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