nCino's Newsroom

Thought Leadership

5 Banking Predictions for 2025  

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Filtros aplicados:
Thought Leadership

Shaping the Future of Credit Decisioning with Explainable AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming how financial institutions approach credit decisions and traditional banking processes. By incorporating AI into the credit decisioning process, financial institutions can help create a more inclusive, intuitive, and impactful financial services landscape.

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Company Culture

One nCino Day: Celebrating Company Culture

In early June, nCino employees gathered for One nCino Day, a global event that embodies our vibrant culture and celebrates the unique individuals who help shape it.

One nCino Day
On-Demand Webinars & Video

How Financial Institutions Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence for Efficiency

As the financial services industry continues to evolve, efficiency has become a top priority. In order to maximize efficiency, stay competitive, and unlock new value streams, financial institutions (FIs) are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout their business processes.

Intelligence Everywhere: A New Era of Efficiency in Banking

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