nCino's Newsroom

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5 Banking Predictions for 2025

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Press Releases

Penrith Home Loans Enhances Tech Stack with SimpleNexus to Support a Unified Homebuying Experience from Application to Close

Penrith Home Loans, a mortgage lender in the western United States, has implemented SimpleNexus' Nexus Engagement™, Nexus Origination™ and Nexus Closing™ to provide a single sign-on digital home buying environment from application to post-close. This will allow Penrith Home Loans to provide its customers with a more convenient and efficient home financing experience.

Company News

nSight 2023: Designed by You, Powered by nCino

For nSight 2023, we took your feedback and created a new experience that empowers you to build a conference agenda perfectly tailored to your needs, interests, and opportunities.

Thought Leadership

5 variables a tener en cuenta al elegir un proveedor de hipotecas digitales

Elegir al proveedor de hipotecas digitales adecuado puede resultar desalentador. Los bancos que ofrecen hipotecas deben tener en cuenta no sólo sus propias necesidades de negocio, sino también la normativa federal que afecta a la forma en que gestionan y acceden a los datos de sus clientes. En un entorno hipotecario cada vez más tecnológico, los bancos buscan nuevas soluciones digitales para resolver viejos problemas.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Digital Mortgage Vendor
Thought Leadership

3 Key Takeaways from nCino’s US Enterprise Executive Forum

A few weeks ago, nCino hosted the US Enterprise Executive Forum in Dallas, Texas, an intimate gathering of executives from some of our nCino’s key enterprise customers. The event featured compelling speakers, including Senior Analyst John McDonald from Autonomous Research, Tina Cartwright from U.S. Bank, and other key nCino leaders, who discussed strategies to help financial institutions drive shareholder value, how leveraging a Center of Excellence can improve adoption and ROI, the value of strong partnerships and the future of the nCino cloud banking platform. According to feedback from attendees, it was incredibly beneficial to hear where nCino is and where we’re going, especially in the current market.

The day started with the opportunity to hear directly from Pierre Naudé, Chairman and CEO of nCino, who shared nCino’s overarching vision and how we continue to march forward and execute on behalf of our customers. Below are some key takeaways from the event, so you can benefit from them, too.

Company News

nCino Deal Proposal: Building a Better Front Office Experience

When it comes to commercial banking, Relationship Managers (RMs) are the face of your financial institution. These employees are trusted advisors to your customers, and their role is essential when it comes to optimizing the customer relationship, both for the customer and the institution. While it takes time to nurture these types of valuable customer relationships, technology can deliver an experience that amplifies the relationship through speed and convenience.

Thought Leadership

How a Single Platform Improves the Success of Your Digital Efforts

Forrester’s Vision: Measure Digital Success and Drive Profitable Growth report introduces Forrester’s digital measurement framework and shows financial institutions how to properly define the right metrics to track and improve the success of their digital efforts.


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