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SMBC Trust Bank: A One-Stop Mortgage Experience with nCino’s Mortgage Solution


SMBC Trust Bank

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SMBC Trust Bank is known for its strength in foreign currency transactions, its business targeting wealthy individuals, and its services related to real estate transactions in the wholesale division.

With SMBC Trust Bank’s growth in its mortgage business for high-net-worth individuals, paper-based operations reached their limits, and the digitization of business operations was necessary. Another major issue was improved convenience for foreign customers, who account for about half of the Bank’s loan amounts.


SMBC Trust Bank focused its search on a solution that could deliver two main features: covering all aspects of mortgage operations in a single system, and enabling online applications.

“nCino’s Mortgage Solution was very attractive in that it could cover the entire loan business with a single product, and we were convinced that this was the system we were looking for. We appreciated the scalability of nCino, which allows us to combine simple solutions to handle a wide variety of banking operations. We also appreciated the fact that the solution was built on the Salesforce platform, which we use as our customer management platform.”
- Satoshi Watanabe, Group Head of Digitalization Promotion Department and Manager of System Management Department


nCino worked to leverage its strengths providing a speedy implementation, responding to requests and modifying standard functionality through maintenance and support.

With nCino’s Mortgage Solution, SMBC Trust Bank sees four major benefits, including:

  • Eliminated waiting time in the customer portal due to shared information.

  • Improved operational efficiency. Although the volume of mortgage business has increased by about 30% compared to before the introduction of the system, the fact that it can be handled without increasing the number of employees is a testament to the efficiency of the system.

  • Contributions to business performance and development of sales channels.

  • Reduction in the time from application to review and approval by approximately 30%.

For more information on SMBC Trust Bank’s journey, download the full customer story now.